5 Simple, Hearty After-School Snacks
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By: Kate Winslow
August 10, 2016
Shake up your snack habits with a few new ideas that take only minutes to prepare.
Pinwheels: Lay a small flour tortilla on the counter and layer your choice of fillings: lunchmeat, cheese, guacamole, cream cheese, hummus, nut butter, shredded apples, you name it. Roll up tightly then cut crosswise into bite-sized rounds.
DIY Trail Mix: Making your own means making it just the way you like it. Peruse the grocery store’s bulk section and take home a selection of roasted or raw nuts, dried fruit, seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin, coconut, chocolate chips, etc., then mix and match to your heart’s desire.
Cheesy Bacon Popcorn: For your next movie night, finely chop 4 slices Applegate Natural Sunday Bacon and cook in a skillet until crisp. Meanwhile, pop ½ cup popping corn kernels. Toss the hot popcorn in a large bowl with 1/3 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, the bacon and the fat remaining in the skillet. Serve at once.
Individual Guacs: These handheld treats offer perfect portion control. Cut a ripe avocado in half and remove the pit. Use a fork to mash the flesh inside the skin until chunky. Squeeze the juice of ½ lime over the avocado halves, season with a pinch of salt and mash until smooth. Serve with tortilla chips.
Pepperoni and Crackers: Applegate Natural Mini Pork Pepperoni or Natural Mini Turkey Pepperoni is the perfect size for topping crackers. Cut a slice of Applegate Natural Provolone Cheese into sixths and layer a piece of that on, too. If you like, cut a cherry tomato in half and add to the stack.
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Kate Winslow
Kate Winslow is the author of Onions Etcetera: The Essential Allium Cookbook (Burgess Lea Press, 2017), as well as the co-author of The Agricola Cookbook and Coming Home to Sicily. A former editor at Gourmet magazine, Kate currently works with her husband Guy Ambrosino, a photographer, to test, develop and photograph recipes for cookbooks, magazines and, most fun of all, Applegate! Kate and Guy live along the Delaware River in New Jersey with their 12-year-old son, yellow lab and six chickens. Their work can be seen at kateandguy.com.