Battle Lunchtime Boredom with our Ultimate Sandwich Recipes
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By: Applegate
August 27, 2019
Sandwiches. Nearly half of us eat one every day. And no wonder. They’re fast, versatile--travel well and are a go-to Back to School lunch option for parents. With countless sandwich ingredient combinations to explore, no one should have to suffer from a blah lunch. No matter a person’s taste preferences or dietary restrictions, there’s an ultimate sandwich for everyone.
Despite an endless amount of sandwich possibilities, many people make the same sandwich over and over again. And then, there are those who still haven’t found their ultimate sandwich. According to a recent survey conducted by Applegate:
• 70% of parents are looking for new and easy sandwich recipes
• 10% of parents say there's no such thing as a great sandwich
• 15% of parents blame their lack of lunch inspiration on not having enough time to make their children's lunches
Applegate is here to help with three simple steps to create the ultimate sandwich:
Step 1: Start with the meat, the heart of any great sandwich, then build around it. Applegate offers deli meat favorites, including natural and organic turkey, ham, chicken and roast beef varieties. All made with no artificial ingredients, no chemical nitrates or nitrites, and meat sourced from Applegate Humanely Raised animals, which are never administered antibiotics.
Step 2: Use bread that stands up to, but doesn’t overwhelm, sandwich fillings.
Step 3: Pile on ingredients from three must-have categories: Crunchy, Creamy, Tangy.
• Crunchy ingredients provide the ever-important texture, the most overlooked building block of a great sandwich. Think: bacon, crunchy vegetables, potato chips, fried onions
• Creamy ingredients offer balance to umami-rich meats. They also, counter intuitively, create a barrier between bread and other fillings and keeps sandwiches from getting soggy. Think: mayo (plain or flavored), avocado, hummus, butter
• Tangy ingredients add brightness and punch to balance out the bread and rich meats and/or cheese. Think: Pickled vegetables, chutneys, mustard, vinegary slaws
Click here for more Ultimate Sandwich inspiration.
Changing The Meat We Eat®: Natural & Organic - No antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial ingredients or chemical nitrites - Humanely Raised - Gluten Free